Week 3: 100 Happy Days

365 – Week 15

Even photos taken with an iPhone camera can be fodder for a few creative hours in [insert your photo editing software of choice]. I happen to enjoy Adobe Lightroom.

This week’s theme: Pretty Fishes

These are the three unnamed beauties who live at my workplace. Yes, there are eight photos this week. Call me generous!

KBS Fish_sm 05

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365 – Week 12

This week’s theme is: Shopping!

Such a wonderful activity, and I admit I do indulge in retail therapy if given half a chance. So, for me, a shopping trip, no matter where, can be an exercise in temptation, guilt, denial, or that wonderful high you experience when you get an amazing bargain on something you love.

Pretty beads for a new bracelet. I love bracelets!
Pretty beads for a new bracelet. I love bracelets! Can’t wait to put it all together.

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365 – Week 11

Okay, so I got off track but I am going to just pick-up where I left off. What fun would it be to take on a creative project if you can’t be creative with the rules, huh?

These are photos I snapped this week in a lovely new ophthalmology office where I am a part-time visual fields technician. (I’m the one who puts your head in that big bowl and makes you click away whenever you see those silly flashing lights.) 

The office is new and is just blocks from the beach, so it has a beautiful beachy/spa feel.

Workplace 01

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